Why We Keep Trying (& Failing) at Monogamy, Attitudes Towards Bisexuals, & The Case That Could Kill Roe
Why do people keep trying and failing at monogamy? 8 cities that failed at LGBTQ equality evaluations. “I’ve been ill and alone and now relationships feel meaningless.” Times Up group to largely disband/ rebuild after criticism for its role in Cuomo harassment case. Eddie Redmayne on his depiction of a trans woman in the Danish Girl: I think I made a mistake. Americans’ attitudes towards bisexuals haven’t really improved, despite inroads made by gay people. Homicide is the number one cause of death for pregnant people in the US. Baltimore cop’s sentence for rape reduced to home detention by judge who doesn’t think the survivors was psychologically harmed enough.
Support Sex with Timaree by becoming a Patreon sustaining member. Get your tickets for SlutChurch at Tabu on 1st & 3rd Tuesdays. Celebrate New Years Eve with pop up performances, dance party and lounge space at Tabu. Bops and burlesque combine together at Tassel Request Live- catch the show on first Thursdays at Tabu, Jan 6th our theme is Britney vs Christina!
Grab your tickets in advance at slurch.eventbrite.com or at the door!
My latest for PW: she waited to have sex for marriage…until she change her mind. Now what? What if you’re a guy who takes too long to cum? Plume: a blog of trans and nonbinary resources. Men who engage in sex with other men but feel shame about it are much less happy than other men. Cosby prosecutors take his case to a higher court. Fish sperm is being used to make an eco-friendly alternative to plastic. Dec 1st was World AIDS Day, time to show solidarity, educate yourself and take action. Philly Pride finally changes date to no longer conflict with Odunde. Crimes motivated by hatred of gender, sexuality, race are up dramatically in Maine. “8 rules my parents had that made me more comfortable with sexuality.”
5 things to know about the case that could kill Roe v Wade. Report finds 1 in 3 people working in Australian parliament has been sexually harassed or assaulted. Best-selling author Alice Sebold apologizes to man she identified as her rapist decades ago, after he’s finally exonerated. Women’s tennis suspends tournaments in China over missing player. Preview of a post-Roe world and the many states that will be impacted if SCOTUS takes away abortion rights. Federal mandate that all insurance companies cover PrEP is threatened. The world’s first sex toy designed for people with disabilities is here.
A gyno asked twitter for advice on how to design his office. Tearing down abortion rights is just the beginning. Inside the last abortion clinic in Mississippi. Pennsylvania commissioners’ attempt to label LGBTQ community as “hate group” backfires. Urologists set the record straight: vaccines don’t kill boners but viruses do. The number of married couples living apart is increasing. Study finds Viagra use correlated to reduced likelihood of Alzheimer’s disease.
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